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Flydalsjuvet Nature Trail & Rappelling 

Join us on this exciting new combination tour where you will climb up and rappel down. The famous Flydalsjuvet viewpoint is now within walking distance from the zipline park. 

Explore Geiranger has established a steep trail secured with rope the entire way up to the viewpoint. This is not a trail you can walk without a climbing harness and JUMAR (security device). Steep ascents and simple climbing require securing! The trail passes through the deciduous forest where small ascents provide an exciting and creative nature experience. In between, there are clearings where you can see through the forest towards Geiranger center. Eventually, the trail passes up through a rock with a good view of the Geirangerfjord. On the rock we have fixed double ropes which provides great photo opportunities. The last part of the trail goes through open landscape up to the viewpoint itself. Our guide is happy to take a group photo at the viewpoint. After a short break at the viewpoint, the rappelling starts! The rappelling route consists of three parts: the intro wall, the vertical wall (50 meters high) and the slope wall (40 meters high).

Intro wall

Most people are inexperienced with rappelling techniques, so the guide will give a lesson on the use of equipment and ropes. This is done on a simple intro wall just below the "queen's throne" at Flydalsjuvet. When the guide is confident that everyone in the group has mastered the equipment, the tour continues to the two large mountain walls with fantastic views of the Geirangerfjord.

Vertical wall

The vertical wall has a safe and nice shelf to stand on where the rope is prepared. The wall itself has two rappelling options. One is vertical. The guide can take great pictures of those who choose to rappel down here. A gentler rappel without a vertical start is also possible. Both are very beautiful and spectacular rappels that end up on a safe shelf about 50 meters lower down. From this shelf, there is a secured trail about 20 meters to the slope wall.

Slope Wall

From a shelf with heather, the next rappel goes down a beautiful slope wall surrounded by deciduous forest. View towards the center of Geiranger all the way down. The rappel ends in the deciduous forest about 40 meters lower down.

After everyone is down from the rappelling route, it is a short walk of 200 meters down to the starting point of the nature trail.

Equipment and Safety

We provide all necessary equipment, including climbing harness, JUMAR, helmet and rappel equipment. Our guides are certified and have extensive experience in climbing and rappelling. Safety is our top priority, and we follow all necessary safety procedures. Please wear sturdy shoes and bring water and a snack. Maximum weight on participant is 120 kg.

Flydalsjuvet Nature Trail & Rappelling 

2.5 hours

Medium (requires some strength in arms and legs)

Steep and challenging (secured with rope the entire way) 

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Nepalbridges, Ferrata and Ziplines for your friends, group or family!

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Opening hours

Ticket office is open every day from 22nd of May until the 15th of October. 

Opening hours between 10AM and 6PM.

Group booking is always open! Please send a request to

Start point

Zipline & Via Ferratain the in the nature park

See map


Zipline minimum weight 25 kg. Max weight is 120 kg.
Via ferrata recommended minimum height 140 cm.

Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Terms policy.